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Monday, April 19, 2010

Wings get Doepke'd

For all those who don't know what getting Doepke'd is, it's when your playing in a hockey game and your goalie is shit. The name originated from my playing days, when I had this lesbian tender as my backup. She would be picking splinters out her breezers, while I stopped pucks and got all the bitches she wanted. But when she would get her time to shine in a practice, she would continue to blow vag and we couldnt even have a competitive scrimmage.

"Man, im sick of getting doepke'd on tuesdays and thursdays" - Lance Unger

Osgood is a straight pimp and a closer. Dude may let in goals from the parking lot, but he aint giving up goals in the four crucial minutes of the game. First and last minute of the period. And the minute after a goal is scored by either team. In these crucial minutes, howard has simply puckered. He has sat there and choked on apple sauce. Ozzie has the world swinging from his nuts, and howard is getting oxygen masked by holmstrom in the locker room. You pick the tender you want in net during the stanley cup playoffs.

ps - for those of you who dont know what an oxygen mask is, here is how Urban Dictionary describes "joxygen"

The air supplied when a sweaty jock is held up to someones face (similar to an oxygen mask). Most effective if a struggle ensues and the assailant can maintain a proper seal over the mouth and nose.
In the locker room after the hockey game, Tim forces his sweaty cup over Dave's mouth for a second and threatens, "You done being a bitch or you need more joxygen?!"


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