I'm not really sure what Huggy Bear was doing here but being CPR certified like I am, I know standard prodecure calls your you to tilt the head back slightly to open the airways and not bear hug the shit out of it. But to each his own I guess.
I just think this moment had to have had earned some points with the crowd that thinks he is a straight up drunk, asshole, son of a bitch, who earned his stripes at the Mike Leach school of coaching. Because besides taking his team deep into the tournament from the #2 spot in a very unpredictable year, he showed a rare soft side during this nationally televised raping of Da'Shaun Butler. I for one know he is one hell of a coach and I would take him over that bump on a log we have in Ann Arbor in a heart beat.
PS - De'Shaun, It's a lot easier if you just lay back.
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