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Monday, May 17, 2010

Yoosta Be A Yooper - U.P. Graffiti All The Rage In Brooklyn

In the first ever installment of Yoosta Be A Yooper I wrote about someone who scribbled U.P. Power across the bathroom stall of some dive bar in Brooklyn. First, I couldn't believe that there was another Yooper living in Brooklyn that I was unaware of. Christ there are only about a dozen of us total up there and when one moves to the big city they usually put that shit on the front page of the Eagle Herald. But anyway, this Sunday the Lady Friend and I are getting some brunch at Abeline and she comes outta the bathroom just giggling her ass off. I ask her what's up and she tells me about some more U.P. love sprawled across the paper towel dispenser in the ladies room. Of course I immediately sent her back in there with my camera to snap a few shots for the blog. This time it didn't just say U.P. Power, but this shit had a map of the U.P. and although it is a little cattywampus, it did include Big Bay De Noc which I thought was a nice touch. But the real question here is who is this U.P graffiti bandit? That's two bars in the last year where I've stumble across their work. Someone find me this person cause I gotta get them to do some original pieces that I can auction off or put up above the mantle or something.

PS - What's up with that star, are they from Baraga?

PSS - Turns out while the Lady Friend was in there someone else walked in and was totally freaked out by her creepy ass taking pictures in the bathroom. Awesome

1 comment:

  1. Is the UP graffiti bandit using both bathrooms to relieve him/her self? Simple forensics would tell you we are dealing with multiple suspects here. Shit is more complex/mysterious than the DC sniper.
