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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dog Poop Bandit Busted By Hidden Camera - STEVE MILLER is justifiably proud of the manicured grounds around his stately stucco home in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. So he was nonplussed last year when he discovered that someone had been tossing plastic bags of dog excrement into the sculptured shrubs around a palm tree in his front yard. “It was a pile of at least 10 bags,” said Mr. Miller, 55.“I had my suspicions, but wanted to find out for sure which one of my neighbors was doing it.” So Mr. Miller went to a local electronics store and bought a video surveillance kit. A month’s worth of video footage clearly showed one of his neighbors slinging bags of dog feces into his yard. “You’d see him come from all directions and even turn around afterwards — like I was his dumping destination and not just a convenient stop on his way,” said Mr. Miller, who showed the video evidence to his community’s security patrol. “They were stunned, and wrote the guy a citation for improper waste disposal, littering and leash law violations.” “He never apologized, so that’s why I posted it,” Mr. Miller said. “But I did wait until after he moved.”

Don't blame this guy one bit. You know how bad it sucks to carry a bag of dog shit for more than like 5 seconds? It's straight nasty. If the homeowner really wanted to stop this from happening he probably could've just bought a trash can and put it out front instead of spending $2000 on motion detectors and surveillance cameras.

1 comment:

  1. You would be on the dog shit throwers side... Makes alot of sense...
