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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shirt Change?


So last night was Justin's birthday and we went out for a few drinks. Before heading out I noticed he put on a nice white dress shirt cause he claimed he was gonna be a make out machine. Cool, whatever, don't hate the player hate the game. But then as we are about to leave I look over at him again and he is wearing this spiffy black button down shirt. Dude totally switched shirts once he was already dressed and ready to go. This shit ain't allowed, right? I'm pretty sure I saw "The Situation" do this once on Jersey Shore but that guy makes his own rules. I busted Justin's chops about this for the rest of the night. I wanna know from you guys, can a dude put on one outfit, make a semi-public appearance in the living room, and then go back and change his outfit again? I say hell no. But I wear sweatpants almost every day of my life so what the hell do I know.


  1. Additional Evidence Submitted for Your Honors: a.)Josh was wearing the same colored shirt. 2.) Josh doesn't live where I live. iii.) I do what I want, when I want.

  2. I think i onced changed out of a tshirt with taz on it in favor of a NWO wolf pac tee. having said that, both my outfits were badass and slay major poon, justins were both gay as fuck. jager bombs jager bombs jager bombs

  3. The real question here is, did changing the shirt lead to bangin a random girl with no rubber? Now if changing the shirt helped accomplish this, than it is certainly acceptable. However, if you change your shirt and just kick it at some bars with the guys, than I agree with BMOC. Now I am a pussy gettin expert, as I have been in more women than tampax! That is factual...So whatever you need to do to bang, is always acceptable! Ride or die

  4. actually, not even the situation dares to pull this move off...if u recall this quote by the situation..."I wait till the last minute to shave, I wait till the last minute to put the shirt on 'cause you feel fresh. These are rules to live by, shave last minute, haircut the day-of, maybe some tanning and the gym. You gotta do the guido handbook."
