Tigers beat the nationals yesterday. Strausburg, the super stud that the Nationals took with the first overall pick in last years draft was pretty awesome. Highspeed heat, a wicked breaking ball and a curve that slaps you in the face before dropping in for a strike. The only thing is, Rick Porcello had an even better game and is even YOUNGER than Strausburg. I'm all for hyping up prospects, but come on, Strausburg goes 2 innings with 2 hits, no runs and Porcello gets 3 innings with 2 hits, no runs and gets no love? The argument can be made that Strausburg was pitching against a much more potent lineup than Porcello, but potency in Spring Training? A team sponsored by Viagra wouldn't be potent the first 2 weeks in. So lets give it up for Ricky and hope he's hitting the gym in case Youk wants to go 3 rounds with him later this season.

Additionally, Don Kelly got the first hit off Strausburg and went 3-4, Jackson went 2-4, and Ordonez had 3 RBIs on a HR.
On Deck: Yankees @ 1:05, not being broadcast
you know you're getting all worked up for a spring training appearance right? wasn't sure.