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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Crystal Ball Bowersox Is Gonna Win Idol

While the Lady Friend and my roommates were watching Lost, which is the worst show in the history of shows, I went in my room and put on American Idol. Yeah, it was kinda gay that I watched it alone and I had to make comments to myself but it was way better than listening to them ask each other what just happened over and over. And last night Crystal Bowersox delivered an epic performance that basically won her the whole fuckin contest. There isn't a woman in the contest that can compete with her bluesy/soulful voice and she's got chops on the guitar which white people love. If America can get over the fact that she has dreads and a baby then this thing is done and done.


  1. fuck that Mase....Ill take Shavon, i know its spelled wrong. How can you not like the chick...shes a glassblowing apprentice, which is fucking awesome....she has rocked a mohawk in the past...hott....and she can fucking hit notes crystal has ballsthathangtohersox can only dream to hit
