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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What?! Giant Inflatable Beavers From Closing Ceremonies Are On Sale

Rich Chandler - If you're like me, you were watching the Winter Olympics closing ceremonies and dreaming of having an Always Enjoyable Giant Inflatable Beaver of your own. Here's the backstory on TAEGIB for those three people on the planet who are not familiar with the greatest inflatable animal ever invented. And now we learn that he can be yours, for $5,000 or thereabouts. There are actually six giant inflatable beavers, which you saw parading at the closing ceremonies along with inflatable hockey players, mounties and a giant inflatable William Shatner (may have been the real thing). They were produced by Dynamic Displays of Windsor, Ontario, which began making them in October under a veil of secrecy that made the Manhattan Project look like an arts and crafts project.

Because of the frenzy that has created around these giant inflatable beavers the company that made them has decided to let the common man get his hands on the greatest piece of memorabilia in Olympic history. Forget Michael Phelps' 8th Olympic gold medal, forget Michael Johnson's gold shoes and toss John Carlos' and Jimmie Smith's black gloves in the trash. I'm telling you that we can purchase an inflatable giant beaver for a mere 5,000. I'm on the horn right now soliciting donations so that I can give it out as the prize for the caption contest.

All I can think right now is... Your AT&T Universal Card has arrived?! Kick fuckin ass a Mastercard. Life can be pretty cool sometimes.


  1. heard b-mase was considering making this purchase. he can keep it with the other inflatable beaver under his bed.


    I'm pretty sure I heard that one of the Canadian Women's Curlers owns this company. No shit.

  3. damn jose, that was low. this still about me crashing your room during M&T??? I'm dating that girl now, sorry your girl sucked.

  4. "what are you doing? are you going to rape me? you're not going to rape me are you? you just moved. what are you doing? are you going to rape me? don't touch me. i'm not going to let you rape me."
