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Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm Looking for Ray Finkel, and A Clean Pair of Shorts

This performance should be new to the blueskiers. Because if any of you actually watched the all-star game last night, I'm going to have Matt come over to your house with a big black dildo and slap you across the face because you are a moron. Truth is, this video belongs on youjizz, not youtube. Rihanna could of had that microphone in any one of her holes, and it still wouldn't have changed my 32 second launch time.

I can't believe how great todays youth has it. I'm pretty sure I have already documented this, but my main squeeze was Serena Williams back in the day, or the Cindy Margolis Show if I could stay up that late.

PS - At least I'm not Jmase, guy was probably up in his room beating his shit to the radio or an encyclopedia.


  1. Not sure if I'm missing a joke here or something but you know that's not really Tupac right? Just making sure.

  2. Yeah the video footage was slim, computer were barely around back then. They probably transferred this from a vhs to a dvd, and then burned it onto their harddrive, and then uploaded to youtube.

    Also fast forward to 4:41 mark and see if you can last 32 seconds.
