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Friday, April 29, 2011

Anyone In The Greater Atlanta Area That Can Check On BMOC For Me?

gchat with BMOC...

Brian: lions traded up on the clock

me: yeah just saw that. Harris?

Brian: leshoure and im going to hang myself

me: I'd rather have Mallett than him

Brian: omg. nice knowing ya bro, tell mom this isnt her fault
Sent at 8:08 PM on Friday


  1. Hahaha

    Fairley, young, leshoure...

    I think I just won Lions draft bingo. That's right. Great game. You write down all of the most unlikely jokers for the lions to choose, and then cross them off as you watch, speechless, a draft you feel like you lived through 10,000 times.

  2. motay was thinking about killing himself but luckily im with him in ann arbor so ill just take him to ricks to cheer he up with a couple shark bowls

  3. I want him to detonate a shark bowl after the wings first goal.
