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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Michigan Reconsiders its Ban on Guns in Churches, Arenas, and Bars - Legislation to do away with the list of places where concealed weapons are banned in Michigan – including churches, arenas and bars – was introduced today in the state Senate. Sen. Mike Green, R-Mayville, the bill’s sponsor, said the restrictions, enacted as part of a controversial change in concealed weapons law a decade ago which made licenses easier to obtain, are cumbersome and unnecessary.

About god damn time! I'm done leaving my fuckin gat at home everytime I wanna praise the lord, go to the Palace, or rip back a few at the Pirate's Cove. With this law Michigan officially becomes the best state in the Union because seriously, the only thing missing from the Malace at the Palace was armed fans.

Free hat and JBS shoutout to the first person who can name the movie this picture is from...

It has nothing to do with the state of Michigan