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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Usually I'm Excited To Find A Roach, At Least One I Can Smoke That Is

So last night I decided that I was gonna make dinner, which is about as rare an occasion as the Lady Friend coming home and seeing Julia Child cooking away in her kitchen. But as I'm half way through pan searing some talapia, and just about to fry up some asparagus, I look down and saw a massive cockroach scurrying across the kitchen floor. Now, I'm not about to freak out over one bug but after the infestation we had last month I was definitely concerned. So I squash the mother fucker and continue getting down with my inner Gordon Ramsey. No more than 30 seconds after I kill the first guy, another one comes flying out from under the fridge. As I'm cursing him out and reaching for my shoe, two more come busting out like they're in a 100 yard dash for Olympic gold. I shit you not, I killed 10 more of these prehistoric bitches in a matter of minutes and was about to lose my shit. Like, I understand this is NYC and you're gonna encounter some critters every now and again but I was fuckin under attack like Braveheart at the battle of Falkirk. After wielding my shoe and destroying a shit ton of these things the Lady Friend walks in just so excited to see me cooking. As she started walking into the kitchen I told her she wouldn't want to come in here and then I look up and a huge roach is on the ceiling and falls straight down missing her face by about 2 inches. Obviously she flips her shit and jumps on a chair, cause that's her "we have roaches" move and now I have another fire to put out in addition to our unwanted visitors.

All in all I killed 32 roaches in a matter of an hour and I started to think, it just didn't make sense that after only seeing 1 since our last infestation over a month ago, we now have almost 3 dozen busting out of every nook and cranny of our kitchen. This is a pic of about a dozen or so.

So the Lady Friend heads down stairs to the first floor and it turns out they they're renovating a bagel shop and just dropped a roach bomb fit for Nagasaki on these mother fuckers and they're getting out any way they can. Totallyfuckinbelievable. Note to self, don't go to the new bagel shop taking it's place.

PS - Anyone who wants to come visit is totally welcome.

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