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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Morning Wood with Imogen Thomas

Let's see and if we can try and list Imogen Thomas's life acheivements shall we? Won the Miss Wales title (that's wales without the h, making it the place not the animal), was a contestant on Big Brother UK (that's the show on CBS that no one watches, but maybe should), and she's made a sex tape that's floatign around the web. It might not get her the Nobel Prize in literature, but honestly I'm happy with her work. See what else she's done here, and if you're really into it, start googling to find that tape... And then email it to me please?

Here's what happened yesterday while you were sleeping at your desk, wishing the cold hand of death would take you from your terrible job... Wait, was that just me?

- Everyone knows that a man with no arms cannot drive a car... except the guy with no arms apparently... I wonder if the guy from The Fugitive attended his funeral?

- Paranoia sweeps the nation. Some kids get busted for starting a black market pumpkin ring and suddenly people on the JBS staff want to shut down the office. Easy big fella, easy...

- A Florida sheriff, WHO'S A WOMAN, gets fired for doing crazy shit. Like women always do. My big question is why the hell did we give them guns AND the right to vote? I always thought it was one or the other...

- Finally, in our Texas weather report, bring an umbrella because it's going to be raining cats and dicks later...

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