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Thursday, October 21, 2010

How Bad is it that I Watched Hocus Pocus Instead of the ALCS?

I was sitting around last night watching game 5 of the ALCS when I noticed that Hocus Pocus was on. Being the super blogger that I am I knew I should probably keep watching the ALCS but for some reason I couldn't break free from the pull of Hocus Pocus even though I've seen that shit like 50 times. I started watching and before I knew it 3 hours had gone by and it was over. How does that happen? Seriously, how does a grown 26 year old man spend three hours watching a movie made for 12 year olds? After some thought I realized it's because Sarah Jessica Parker plays a brain dead, slutty, nympho witch that is humping a broom the entire time. That's when it all started to make sense.

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