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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mike Florio Takes A Shot At Millen’s Mike Florio was talking about the NFL’s crackdown on head-to-head hits on a Boston radio show Tuesday when he went off on a tangent: Matt Millen. Millen had debated the topic on “Monday Night Football” on the side of you-can’t-legislate-the-violence-out-of-football.“How does no one realize that this guy has only demonstrated he doesn’t know anything?” Florio said. “I can’t listen to anything he says. … Every time I see his face on the screen, it’s like, in my brain, 0-16 superimposes over the screen, and I can’t get past that. Maybe other people can.

“But I don’t understand … how you can have no shame and want to continue to be out there? “Kind of like, ‘Hey, look at me. You know what, I took all those millions from the Fords and I was completely inept, and now I’m taking even more money from ESPN and the NFL Network just because I can sit here and sound like I know what I’m talking about.”

It's about fuckin time someone in the national media acknowledged what a complete fuckin boob Matt Millen is. Like I understand that Stewart Scott and Steve Young are payed to sit there and suck him off each Monday Night but it doesn't make sense that no one outside of the State of Michigan has called him out for being completely void of football credibility. The thing that really gets me about Millen being allowed to still call games is that he is allowed to do all games except the Lions, even college games in the state of Michigan. If he still had valuable knowledge to give then why not let him do the Lions? Seriously, if we can trust his evaluation of the 49ers why can't we trust him when he talks about the Lions? The answer is that the guy can't be trusted talking about anyone. Except Polacks. If they brought him back for a Lions game, dude would be getting death threats left and right. I think fans of other teams should be equally appalled that he is allowed to call their games.

The guy was a legendary player, I get it. But after sinking the Lions like the Titanic for eight straight years there is just no way that any football fan with even minor knowledge of recent NFL history can trust what he says. Now imagine you are a football insider who eats, breathes, and shits football. Having to listen to this buffoon evaluate talent probably makes you straight vomit. I hope that Mike Florio coming out against Millen finally gives others the courage to speak up and get this fuckin idiot off the TV for good.

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