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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stones Lose 5th In A Row. Play Pacers Tonight. We've Hit A New Low Point

I know our Stones coverage has all but stopped, but can you fuckin blame us? I saw the death trap that they were and pawned their asses off on MarcUM months ago. Turns out he finally cracked too cause I haven't heard from the guy in over a week since he sent me this photo of him at a Flint Generals hockey game.

I need someone to go over to his apartment and check to see if he hung himself with his Jerome Williams knee highs.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I know that backwards hat anywhere, that's will, not marcum. Marcum isn't lucky enough to be the proud owner of that Honolulu Blue Joe Game jersey. Secondly, as his roommate, I can confirm his whereabouts as unknown. He has been MIA the last couple weeks in the apt, and the last I heard, he was on the quest to resurrect the Portland Red Raider girls JV soccer team after their lowly 3 goal season (yes, you heard that right, season) of last year. Possibly the combo of this insurmountable task, along with will bynum starting at PG and his boy Austin Daye still receiving no minutes on a team that would struggle to win my Toledo CYO 7th grade league did him in?
