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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Best Prank Ever - British Lady Tosses Cat Into Trash Can. Hahahahahahahahahahah! Hahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha!

Mary Bale, 45, was caught on CCTV petting four-year-old tabby cat Lola before picking her up, tossing her into a trash can and closing the lid. When Lola's owners posted the clip online, it sparked a terse reaction from animal lovers and advocates which allegedly culminated in a series of death threats against Bale, an unmarried banker and resident of Coventry, England. "I want to take this opportunity to apologize profusely for the upset and distress that my actions have caused," she told the Daily Mail. "I certainly did not intend to cause any distress to Lola or her owners." Still, Bale felt the outcry had been blown out of proportion. "I don't know what the fuss is about. It's just a cat," the Mail reported her as saying. "I did it as a joke because I thought it would be funny. I never thought it would be trapped. I expected it to wriggle out." She later retracted those comments, as seen in the video below.

Everybody needs to take a chill pill and leave poor Mary alone here cause this prank is fuckin hilarious! She should be on Last Comic Standing with this cat in the trash routine. Like how do you not laugh at this? Comedic gold if you ask me and besides, that cat was totally asking for it. I hate when cats start brushing all up on me when I wanna be left alone. I don't wanna pet you so get the hell away from me cat. Like what other animal can brush up against people without asking and get away with it? Everyone throws a god damn hissy fit when I try that shit on the subway. Does having whiskers and shitting in a box in the laundry room change that somehow? Cause if it does, I can grow my beard back out and start using an empty thirty pack for all my shitting needs.

Oh and don't sleep on Mary's point about how the cat should've been able to wriggle out. Any self respecting animal would've been able to use it's wrigglin skills to lift up that little lid and get the hell outta there in about 2 seconds. But just like a typical cat this thing bitched out and curled up with some lasagna instead of putting together a game plan.

Had this been a dog you know it would've gone apeshit in there until it either tipped over and he was able to stroll out, or some passerby stopped to investigate the barking trash can. Boom, problem solved and Mary's hilarious prank goes down in history as one of the greats instead of causing a worldwide uproar. Fuckin cats.

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