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Friday, September 24, 2010

Your Last Meal EVER

First Woman Executed by Virginia In 100 Years
41-year-old Teresa Lewis died tonight by lethal injection in Virginia. She offered sex and money to two men in exchange for killing her husband and stepson, though her defense attorney claimed she was borderline mentally-disabled. For her last meal, she requested "two fried chicken breasts, sweet peas with butter, a piece of German cake or apple pie for dessert, and a Dr. Pepper.

I don't know about you but this makes me fucking nauseous...and by this I mean the picture above. Choosing your last meal ever, for ever ever, for ever ever, has to be the biggest if not most important decision one will ever make. I'm not mad at Teresa's last meal by any means...except I would never order fried chicken breasts, way too hard to eat (I'm the kid at the family party that sneaks into the kitchen far before everyone else makes a plate and steals all the drumsticks)
All this had me thinking, what would my last meal be? The kicker is, you can't request booze. How fucking bogus is that?

What would your last meal be? Post below.


  1. course 1 - chicken ranch salad with bread bowl from perkins
    course 2 - A Reuben
    course 3 - Jar full of Pickles
    dessert - superman ice cream

  2. Double double from In N Out, McDonald's french fries, buffalo wings, a half Coke-half Diet and a slice of carrot cake from Costco.
