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Thursday, September 30, 2010

A.O.L. - Unintentional Double

This was an accidental double A.O.L. shot by yours truly. Life can be pretty cool sometimes.

The ass in the black dress was pretty banging and besides those linebacker shoulders this chick had it going on. My buddy Dom always says "free hockey" any time a game goes into OT so this "free ass" is for him. Score - 8.5

This pic was taken on a crowded street and I had to shroud it in mystery. Still managed to come out with more ass than I bargained for. I don't wanna toot my own horn, but beep, fuckin beep. Score - 9.0


  1. This is clearly not a double by standard definition. I'd argue that you put the girl in the black and the butt way way way in the back in the picture just so you could have an excuse to get that dude in the picture. You're suspect is all Im sayin.

  2. can we get a close up of that wild tatoo that guy is rocking on his calf? It looks like some sort of skull with a viking helmet on. I'd love an explanation...maybe he lost a bet.
